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ZIMP - Datenbank Massenkommunikation und Publizistik Stand: 10/2023 / 257653 Dokumente

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A        vorhergehende Seite (A)        nächste Seite (A)
a direction du Canal plus vient de le lui annoncer: il n y aura plus de Vrai journal a le rentree. Maniere de mettre un terme au melange des genres entre information et divertissement/Karl Zero
A directory
A directory and union list 1752 - 1988
A directory including show titles and formats, biographical information on hosts, and topic/subject index
A Directory of broadcast archives
A Directory of communication research centres in U.S. Universities
A directory of conceptual categories, topic suggestions, and selected sources
A directory of feature films available for rental, sale, and lease in the United States and Canada. With a serials section, an index of foreign-language films. 7. ed.
A directory of major newspapers and their op-ed polices
A directory of organizations offering services to independent filmmakers and film users in New York State
A dirty campaign got coverage as usual. A political earthquake was overlooked
A Disappearing Enemy: The Image of the United States in Soviet Political Cartoons
A Discourse of Legitimacy
A Discriminant Analysis of Television Viewers and Nonviewers
A Discussion of newspaper ethics for Associated Press Managing Editors
A discussion paper
A dispute over advertising space
a dispute over press access to a neo-Nazi trial reveals the tension between Germany s embrace of privacy and its need to confront right-wing extremism
A dissertation
A Distant technology
A diversity handbook for media
A documentary history of women and journalism
A documentary profile of the first Henry Wallace
A Dose of reality
A double life. A biography of the gentleman director
A Dramatistic Approach (2)
a dramatistic approach.
A Dream betrayed
A Drinking life
A European and an American approach
A European approach to audience studies
a European perspective (3)
A family album 1950 - 1965
A family guide to media literacy
A Fantasy Construct of Television Viewing
A Farewell to Ox (Hans-Götz Oxenius, Köln)
A fearful innocence
A feasibility study for a young adult unit proposed in the report Broadcasting and Youth .
A Feature Analysis of Clio-Winning Ads
a feature writer at the erstwhile International Herald Tribune remembers the glory days, when presses were on the premises and the paper left ink on your hands
a feedback opportunity turned into a marketing tool ; an acount of selection and editing practices in the Flemish daily press
A feminist analysis of the digital discourse of Wired magazine
a feminist approach
A feminist cultural analysis of the new female body in popular media
A feminist methodology
A few observations
A Field Experiment (2)
A film
A film from Germany (2)
A film study
A film study with Brian de Palma
A film-maker for our time?
A film/video history of the Lower East Side
A film/video source book with the film/video index
A Filmelmelet valtozasai
A filmographie
A filmography and bibliography
A filmography of American, British and Canadian films 1970-1979
A filmography of biographical films
A filmography of over 250 works depicting U.S. history
A filmography of silent features made in Fort Lee, New Jersey 1903-1927
A filmography of the African American image, 1878 - 1994
a Final Report
A Fine romance
A Firm Foundation (2)
A first hand report on a revolution in journalism
A focus on the catholic press
a focused review of war and peace journalism
A Forced agreement
A forecast to 1985.
A foreign correspondent s memoirs from Roosevelt to Reagan
A foreign correspondent s tale of coming home from Communism to the Cubs
A format approach
a formerly syndicated artist joins Lorrin hatch s long-shot White House bid
A formular for change
a frame analysis
A Framework for a decentralized radio service
A Framework for a National Communication Policy in the Philippines
a framework for teaching and learning about multimedia design
A France Televisions, une grille face a la suspicion
A Francfort, le message d espoir du patron des editions Penguin Random House
A Free and Balanced Flow
A Free and responsible student press
A Free Press?
A freelancer s guide
a French magazine claims to be the first devoted to marital breakdown
A Frustrated fourth estate
A Frustrated Fourth Estate: Portugal s Post-Revolutionary Mass Media
A fully illustrated guide to 1000 best known faces on British television. New and revised ed.
A Functional Analysis Comparison of Web-Only Advertisements and Traditional Television Advertisements from the 2004 and 2008 Presidential Campaigns
A functional analysis of presidential television advertisements, 1952 - 1996
A functional perspective
a funding crisis strikes state j-schools, just as student interest and industry needs reach their peak
A funny way to learn history
a futurist perspective
A Game of two halves
A game simulation of tv news. Participiciant s manual
a gender analysis of an ICT initiative in Afghanistan
A genealogy of great moments
A General Psychographic Analysis of Newspaper Use and Life Style
A Generation of Vipers
A Generic Social Survey Experiment in Generic Words
a Geneve, les oeuvres de jeunesse de la photographe, deja traversees par le jeu sur l identite et la metamorphose
a german perspective
A German-American dialogue. Third conference about media competency as a challenge to school and education held by the Bertelsmann Foundation
A global approach
A global balancing act: New structures in the Russian media
A global hypothesis for women in journalism and mass communications
A global inventory of education, training, exchange and intern programs for journalists from the developing world
A global perspective (4)
a global press council is a step closer, says Brenda Maddox
A global reader
A global television reader
A global view
A glossary of public relations terms in 6 languages
A goad for everyone else
a goal of the cultural environment movement
A Good life
A good year for the media
A Grain of truth
A grain of truth.
A Gramscian Approach to Interpreting International Communication
A Graphical directory of English newspapers and periodicals, 1702-1714
a great communicator of our times
A Great Man in his Chosen Profession
A guade G schicht
A guide (2)
A guide for business and professional people
A guide for catholics
A guide for editors, advertisers, and artists
A guide for every manager.
A guide for filmmakers and film teachers
A guide for financial analysis
A guide for librarians, educators and cable professionals
A Guide for local policy
A guide for organizational editors and communications managers
A guide for parents, teachers and librarians
A guide for print journalists
A guide for producers
A guide for public relations and public affairs practitioners
A guide for scientists, physicians and public information officers
A guide for students, scholars, and professionals
A guide for those misrepresented and misreported in the press and other media
A guide for writers and photographers
A guide from A to Z (2)
A Guide to American film directors
A guide to American film directors.
A Guide to American sreenwriters
A guide to audiovisual resources
A guide to better visual communication
A guide to breaking and entering
A guide to Canada s copyright proposals; Un guide sur les propositions de reforme de la loi sur le droit d auteur au Canada
A guide to collections.
A guide to commercial radio journalism
A guide to common writing and editing problems
A guide to communication design
A guide to computers for reporters and editors
A Guide to critical reviews
A guide to developing information products
A Guide to empirical research in communication
A guide to ethical reporting about victims and trauma
A guide to ethical standards for Chritian media perofessionals
A guide to generating and developing creative ideas
A guide to getting started
A guide to information sources (2)
A guide to investigative research
A guide to issues
A guide to its achievement. 1. The cinema through 1949; 2. The cinema in the fifties
A guide to Japanese TV drama since 1953
A Guide to mass communication sources
A guide to media conduct
A guide to media writing
A guide to merging the technologies
A guide to movie analysis
A guide to network television news documentary series and special news reports, 1980 - 1989
A guide to new business enterprises
A guide to Paul F. Lazarsfeld communication research papers
A Guide to periodicals publishing for associations
A guide to production, design and pasteup
A Guide to publishing in scholarly communication journals
A guide to radio ratings and research
A guide to reference resources
A guide to references and resources (14)
A guide to references and resources.
A guide to regulation and policy
A guide to saying more with less
A guide to searching daily newspapers whose articles are online in full text. Includes geographic indexes (2)
A guide to services for the New York State video community
A guide to sources in English
A guide to sources in North America, South America, Asia, Australasia and Africa
A guide to tapping on-line information
A guide to technologies, case studies, resources
A guide to television, film and radio programs supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities
A guide to television, radio, press, publishers, libraries and bookshops serving minority languages in the European Community (2)
A guide to the art of feature writing. 2. ed.
A guide to the discriminating use of the mass media. 3. ed.
A guide to the discriminating use of the masse media. Revised ed
A guide to the fields of music, dance, theatre, film, radio and television, for the UnitedStates and Canada
A guide to the film, broadcasting, video and publications industries
A guide to the literature

nächste Seite (A)

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