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ZIMP - Datenbank Massenkommunikation und Publizistik Stand: 10/2023 / 257653 Dokumente

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A        vorhergehende Seite (A)        nächste Seite (A)
A concise history
A concise history of American broadcasting
A Concise history of British television
A concise introduction and research guide
A conference on peer review. Ringberg-Symposium April 2002
A conference report (2)
A conference report on the prospects for a national information service
A confession
A conflict of interests
A conjoint analysis of Norwegian viewers
A consideration of language and leadership
a Construction Based on Moral Panic?
A consultative document on the regulation of broadband switched mass-market services (and their substitutes) delivered by telecommunication systems
A consumer theory perspective
A consumer view (2)
A contemporary television genre reader
A contemptible piece of ribaldry the gazetteer and new daily advertiser offends the bourbons
A Content Analyses of Content Analyses: Twenty-Five Years of Journalism Quarterly
A content analysis
A content analysis of 20 United States newspapers and a survey of Asian American journalists
a content analysis of 357 newspaper websites and their associated social media pages reveals that older tools, including RSS and e-mail alerts, remain popular but are giving way to mobile delivery and social networking
a content analysis of 86 citizen blog sites, 53 citizen news sites and 63 daily newspaper sites indicated that citizen journalism sites, including both news and blog sites, differed significantly from newspaper sites
a content analysis of a political incident in Korea
a content analysis of advertisements in newspapers and magazines
a content analysis of advertising in Taiwan
a content analysis of AP wire photographs during the Taliban regime and after the fall of the Taliban regime
a content analysis of British TV news
a content analysis of coalition leaflets used in the Iraq war
a content analysis of commercials aimed at children and teenagers
a content analysis of health news in South Africa
a content analysis of Internet blog posts found that the perception of blogging as journalism grew significantly. In 2008, nearly 45 percent viewed blogging as journalism and 31 percent saw blogging as related or complementary to journalism
A Content Analysis of Local Television Newscasts: Answering the Critics
a content analysis of newspapers and a survey of public attitudes in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda reveal that a significant number of citizens do not trust state-owned media. However, trust in newspapers is lower than trust in radio, despite a steady
a content analysis of television commercials from India and the United States
A content analysis of the Cable News Network and the 3 broadcast networks
A content analysis of the portrayal of family life in prime television
a content analysis of The Washington Post and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung revealed that both papers relied on official sources, but the German paper provided far less coverage of the conflict
a content analysis of three Croatian newspapers
a content analysis of tobacco and tobacco control advertisements that ran in Missouri newspapers during a five-year period showed that the frequent topic was tobacco cessation, followed by messages about politics, health effects and smoking
a content analysis of Utah newspapers suggests that routine coverage of domestic violence fatalities and attempted homicides is built primarily on official sources
A Content Analysis Of Women s Published Mass Communication Research, 1965-1989
a content analysis:1990-2002
a content analytic study
a contextual critical analysis
A contextual macro-analysis of media in the Caribbean in the 1990s
A continental project
A continuing challenge
a contribution for a critical political economy of the public
a contribution to an ongoing debate
a contribution to the debate on the disappearance of childhood
A contribution to the EBU conference An information society for all
A controversy continues: The print-online performance gap
a Conversation/... talks to Neil Hickey about the TV news he is leaving behind
a cooled down friendship between two fraternal lands
A cooperative project of Athens Academy and the Bertelsmann Foundation (2)
A coordination conference on news media aid projects in Central and Eastern Europe
A cosmopolitan temptation
A cost-effective strategy for advocacy
A cote des icones
A Council of Europe survey.
A counter theory
A Country Practice and the child audience
A country that feels no guilt or shame
A country-by-country guide to effective media relations
a country-by-country review of the media and press freedom in former Warsaw Pact nations since 1989
A court d innovation, le marche des televiseurs cherche un nouveau souffle
A court terme, augmenter les prix des quotidiens peut s averer payant pour les groupes de presse
A Crisis for the American Press
a critical analysis
a critical analysis of American prestige press representations of the hegemony of English
A critical analysis of television entertainment
A critical analysis of the single most important film industry agreement
a critical analysis of US intervention and academic literature
A critical and stylistic analysis of English used in the media
A critical anthology (2)
a critical appraisal
a critical appraisal ; Austria, France, Norway and Sweden compared
A critical approach
a critical assessment of how we know what we know
a critical assessment of the Globe and Mail s news coverage of near-genocide in occupied East Timor 1975-80
A critical biography (2)
A critical casebook (2)
A critical cross-cultural analysis of the American commercial discourse style
a critical encounter
A critical examination
a critical examination ; research in brief
A critical filmography, 1915 - 1994
A critical guide to the literature of the motion picture. 1. The Bibliography. 2. The Index
A critical history (3)
A critical history of film theory
A critical history since 1922
A critical introduction (11)
A critical introduction to a new research agenda
A critical introduction to documentary
A critical introduction to recent independent American film
A critical look at the research
A critical look at what s right and wrong with the press (2)
A critical pedagogy of representation
a critical perspective (development communication in Africa)
A critical poetics of film
A critical primer
A critical reception
a critical review
A critical review and assessment of Herman and Chomsky s propaganda model
A critical study
A critical study of Finnish translations of Russian journalistic texts
A critical study of major Japanese film
A critical survey
a critical view (2)
A critical view along the information superhighway
A critical view.
A critique of French media
A critique of procedures of power and social control in discourses on new communications technology
A critique of the policy of commercial broadcasting in the United States
A critique of the political economy of speech rights in the United States
A critique of the public trial
A critique of the telecommunications revolution from a christian perspective
a cross cultural study of newspapers coverage in Hong Kong, Singapore, the US and the UK
a cross media analysis
a cross national comparison of UK vs US press coverage of Iraq war protest
A cross-country analysis
a cross-cultural comparison of TV newscasts
a cross-cultural examination of kindergartners understanding of news
A Cross-Cultural Experiment on How Well Audiences Remember News Stories from Newspaper, Computer, Television, and Radio Sources
a cross-cultural study
a Cross-cultural study of five English-speaking versions of a British quiz show format
A cross-cultural view
A Cross-Lagged Analysis Of Agenda Setting Among Online News Media
A cross-linguistic discourse analysis model for evaluating interethnic conflict in the press
a cross-national comparison
a cross-national comparison of American and Indian internet users
a cross-national examination of advertising expenditures and their determinants
a cross-national inquiry of 152 countries
a cross-national study of the ranking of the top 10 world events from 1988 to 1998 328: Weltmedien und Medienwelt - eine internationale Studie zum Ranking der zehn wichtigsten Weltnachrichten von 1988 bis 1998 329: DE
A cross-societal study on the role of the mass media in political socialization in China and Taiwan
A cruel deception
A Cuba, les catholiques demandent des elections libres a tous les niveaux
A culinary performance of communication
a cultivated audience?
a cultural analysis of the women s section in the Chicago Tribune find that WomenNews provided a powerful forum by incorporating women s voices, studying media s role relative to women, fostering a sisterhood and Advocating feminist activism
A Cultural and educational approach to the problem of violence
A cultural approach
a Cultural Clash between Global, National, Local and no Nomads Media
A cultural economy
A cultural feminist perspective
A cultural history
A cultural history of American advertising
A cultural history of American movies
A cultural history of broadcasting in the United States
A Cultural history of gesture
A cultural history of post-office murals in the great depression
A cultural history of the genre s first half century
A cultural history up to World War II
A cultural history, 1855 - 1940
A cultural production
A cultural studies approach to health communications
A Culture of light
A Culture of secrecy
A cup of FT pour ses 125 bougies
A Cup of news
A Curious Journey into the Scary World of Paul Hirsch
a current perspective
a Current-Year and Ten-Year Retrospective Content Analysis
A curriculum statement
A Cyberstar is born
A danger for the individual
A daring transatlantic journey
a data-based retrospective on consequences of media change in Germany
A day in the life of a television news reporter
A Day with a reporter
a dead end?
A Deauville, portrait de la jeune fille en jeune fille
A debate
a debate among journalists over how to cope
A decade in Vogue
A decade in Fleet Street (2)
A decade of American films.
A decade of classics on British television
A Decade of Duffy s
A Decade of EU broadcasting regulation
a Decade of Stoeis about Unemployment in Helsingin Sanomat
A decouvrir, les oeuvres d Emile Cohl, Georges Melies,Louis Feuillade, Alice Guy et Leonce Perret
A Democratic-Republican returns. The suppressed history of our nation s beginnings and the heroic newspaper that tried to report it
a dependency theory analysis
A des degres divers, toute l Europe est touchee
A descriptive report
a descriptive review
A Descriptive study of the periodical Revue wagnérienne concerning Richard Wagner
A Design for News (2)
A developing market in news: Xinhua News Agency and Chinese newspapers
A developing region s perspectives
a developing research field
a development policy for Nigeria
a Dialogue with William H. Melody on Harold Innis
A Dictionary of communication and media studies (3)
A Dictionary of media terms
A Dictionary of Writers and Others Who Care about Words
a differentiating view on repeated exposure to narrative content in media
A Dijon, bataille d exploitants des salles de cinema
A Dio

nächste Seite (A)

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